As the etymology of the term “fantasy” shows, it is closely related to imagination, vision and illusory appearance. It is related to our perception of the world, realistic or non-realistic, around us. It might be a distorted copy of the real world or a fantastic replica of our dreams. In a broad sense large boy of artistic creation of humanity in art, literature, music and film, etc. is fantastical. In fact, we cannot live without fantasy.
In medieval period much of the depictions and descripts of Hell and Heaven were fantastical. In Renaissance and early modern world, new layers are added. The emergence of science broadens the scope. New genres emerge and merge.
Later in the 20th century Dadaists and Surrealists expanded the realm of the fantasy.
Tzvetan Todorov in Introduction à la littérature fantastique, draws fine distinctions between fantastique (tr. as “fantastic”), inconnu (tr. as “uncanny”), and merveilleux (tr. as “marvelous”). For Todorov, the essence of fantastique is the hesitation between psychological and supernatural interpretations of exotic phenomena, and a character’s subsequent indecision as to whether he or the world has suffered a breakdown. This definition expanded the realm more.
Every individual has his or her own fantasies. In art these fantasies are reflected in innumerable forms. The exhibition FANTASY: NATURAL AND SUPERNATURAL exhibits the works of five artists from five countries, Emil Dobriban from Romania, Bob Eige from the US, Hristo Kardzhilov from Bulgaria, Rauno O. Manninen from Finland and Dorothea Polnauer from Germany.
As the artworks above show, each artist displays his or her own fantastic mind.
Theme: Fantasy: Natural and Supernatural
Group Exhibition
Duration: 20 April – 20 May 2019
VIP night: 20 April 2019, 6 PM
Address: Pashmin Art Gallery, Gotenstr. 21, 20097, Hamburg, Germany