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FRAGILE | FEMININE | FRAGMENTS with Reno | Pashmin Art Gallery Hamburg, 04.12.21 – 10.01.22
The group exhibition « FRAGILE | FEMININE | FRAGMENTS » represents three artists: RENO, MONICA DIAMOND AND DIMITRI ATHANASIOU alongside prose recitation by Stella Tsianios and music by Ramón Lazzaroni
Reno joins us from France. For the artist Reno, sculpting means “feeling, learning to see, loving, becoming sensual.” His works of art shine with feminine eroticism, because he manages to delight even with a shaped back. Reno tries to suggest desire, to provoke emotions, to reveal a thrill in order to stimulate or disturb the viewer. “He uses different materials: clay, plaster, stone …and he always searches for the beauty in the movements, the movements of the body, the sensuality of the curves. Eroticism in women is multiplied by the magic of a simple smile, by a lonely hand inviting us to travel far away. Desire stems from a thrill.”
Monica Diamond is guided by current events with her series of objects “Emotional Fragments I – VI”. Her emotional experience is expressed in an era of profound and fundamental social change. Fragile wire nets with body impressions and their reflections create surreal impressions.
The artist Dimitrios Athanasiou expresses his sensual experiences on five sensory levels. He looks at what new signs and impulses are being activated today, looking back at memories from his past. Impressions of the beauty of the moment are reconstructed in his acrylic paintings. His pictures can be experienced with a special intensity through music, prose, taste, fragrance and light.
The artists Dimitrios Athanasiou and Monica Diamond designed an interactive event entitled “PERCEPTION PROJECT 2021”, which appeals to several sensory levels. Their performing arts are accompanied by prose recitation by Stella Tsianios and music by composer and multi-instrumentalist Ramón Lazzaroni. Different dimensions of perception are represented in different temporal phases. The combination of emotions and sensual elements suggests secret meanings, arouses astonishment and raises questions.
Visit our website for more → https://pashminart-gallery.com/
Also visit the Artists Website → https://sculptreno.com/