Last Saturday, 15.10.2016, the Pashmin Art Gallery Hamburg opened a vernissage on the theme of encounters. Below is an excerpt from the exhibition opening speech by Ms. Zahra Hasson, the curator of the exhibition: “It is the encounters with people that make life worth living.” Guy de Maupassant is said to have made this statement and I think I can only agree. Because that’s the only thing that really enriches our lives, that’s what we can grow from, communicate with and constantly learn from. So every relationship, every step and every exchange of words starts with a simple encounter. An encounter with the unknown, encounter with oneself, in search of one’s own identity or an encounter with the stranger can also cause anxiety at first. Yet every encounter can be an opportunity for a cultural and multifaceted exchange with long-term and lasting consequences. For more than 30 years, Pashmin Art Gallery has been promoting encounters in the art world that transcend continents. Distance and borders do not matter. It is purely and exclusively art, passion for art and enthusiasm for art that tirelessly define and motivate Pashmin Art Gallery.