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Interview with Barbara Bienemann – THE BEARABLE LIGHTNESS OF BEING – 07.05.2022 – PASHMIN ART GALLERY Hamburg
The goddess Maia was the patron saint of fertility and beauty. We owe the name of the beautiful spring month of May to her. With the ethos of the Greek goddess in mind, we have given the May group exhibition at the Pashmin Art Gallery Hamburg the motto “The Tolerable Lightness of Being”, as art is the best diplomat of lightness.
Barbara Bienemann:
When joie de vivre is captured in shapes and colours, energy images are created that create a positive mood – as is the case with Barbara Bienemann’s artworks. Her geometric, high-contrast paintings are clear and speak directly to the soul of the viewer. Each individual work contains an intense harmony of colour that affects the mind and our well-being. Bienemann’s works can very well be described with the words of the painter Henri Matisse: “Painting is not shaping colouring, but shaping colours”.