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Pashmin Art Gallery Hamburg – Opening speech by Dr. Marc Cremer-Thursby – JUNE EXHIBITION – 04.06.22
Anett Brendel, MIKA and René Rauchalles.
Duration: 04.06.2022 – 25.06.2022
“The future is female” – And so is art! The proportion of women at this year’s Venice Art Biennale has risen to around 80 percent. Pashmin Art exhibits more than 250 female artists every year and supports newcomers to gain a foothold in the art market. In our modern art age, where men dominate the market, a strong female sign should finally be set so that perspectives can change and the popularization of women artists can be increased. Women should not only function as favorite subjects in the visual arts, but should be elevated as activists, pioneers and sources of inspiration.
Anett Brendel:
By devoting herself to her art, Anett Brendel creates moments of peace and contentment that she shares with the viewers by means of her lifelike and profound depiction of the beauty of nature. In the artist’s works we find the play of light and color and, above all, a complexity of structures and three-dimensionality that provide an inspiring distraction from all the negatives.
Dominika Pastor, artistically known as MIKA, is fascinated by opposites such as strength and fragility, beauty and ugliness, or original and fake. All these imprints, impressions and intentions are reflected in her art in a very personal way. She combines different media to combine opposites and thus creates meaningful works. The central theme of her art is the woman, as a symbol of power and the tendency to self-dramatization.
René Rauchalles:
Exploring the inner movement that permeates not only human beings, but all of creation, led René Rauchalles to express this in the visual arts through her abstract dynamic paintings, most of which are multi-part pieces. By getting inspiration from music, her lyrical abstract sound paintings and her luminous magical colors are meant to express the healing principle of flowing, breathing and light.