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An Interview with Erbens’ partner Gertrud Kaufmann – JULY EXHIBITION – 02.07.22 – PASHMIN ART GALLERY Hamburg
Duration: 02.07.2022 – 16.07.2022
“The path of the loner Erbens”, with these words begins the autobiography of the Viennese painter Wolfgang Erbens. Since the artist did not want to submit to any marketing at the time, the majority of his works are still undiscovered by the art scene.
Erbens’ art ranges from expressionism to surrealism to linear abstract art. He lived and worked in Vienna, but many of his works were created on his study trips through the provinces and abroad. Thus, there are works with motifs in Salzburg, France, Italy, Morocco or the Caribbean. For his work, Wolfgang Erbens received the “Körner Prize” in 1957, the “Silver Rome Medal” in 1958 and the “Silver Cross of Honor of the City of Vienna” in 1989.
In 2019 Wolfgang Erbens autobiography “Mein harter Weg” (“My hard way”) was published. In this book, the artist impressively and highly interestingly describes his tough childhood and his career as an academic painter in Vienna Presentation and ready for publication! We would like to invite you to inform yourself about the painter and the art of Erbens and to contact us if you are interested. We are interested in exhibitions or the sale of Erbens original works.
The “Association of Friends of Wolfgang Erbens” has archived the complete works of the artist, consisting of 210 oil paintings, 352 watercolors and 723 drawings, and manages the artistic estate. The association focuses on disseminating information about the painter and the art of Erbens and offering the original works for sale.