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Interview with Peter Backhaus (Swedish Artist) | Pashmin Art Gallery Hamburg | October 2020
Peter Backhaus is a German-born Swedish artist. He grew up in Minden, a small town near Hannover. He moved to Sweden in 1968. There he studied philosophy, psychology, sociology and art history. During 1973-1978 he studied art at the Hovedskous Art School in Gothenburg where he later became an associate Professor. He started out as a realistic painter and ended up as an abstract expressionist. He is inspired by the bright, clear, cool light of the north, which in cold nights is mysteriously charged by the magical dazzling work of the northern lights. The abstract painter moves like a pilot in the immeasurable sea of colors. He explores the shallows and hidden reefs below sea level. “My painting has no sense or purpose; it does not convey any messages. My brush dances freely across the canvas. It finds its way and its goal like the arrow of a Buddhist archer in its own way, and that can take time, sometimes in a matter of seconds and sometimes for years.”
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