Lisa Etterich denies the restlessness and storms of the time, but she leaves them on the sidelines. In her paintings, she designs an alternative world that aspires beyond chaos and violence, for order and harmony of the cosmos. Her Works invite the viewers who have eyes to see, for meditation, to think about themselves, about their own background and their own way. They are bright spots coming from a light that does not come from this world and false appearances, but from other spheres. The artist cannot be driven by the market forces of the art wold, she is instead driven by her metaphysical and cosmic oriented imagination. Even the titles of her works show this: it is an artistic cosmonaut. With the Baikonur Cosmodrome of her art, she is gearing up for a “Rocket”, she advance to the “Magic of Dreams”, she is taking a “Dragonfly Flight”, she moves as “Acrobat” and “Cloud Rider” in higher spheres, she moves to the “Moon City”, she staged a “Rainbow Magic” and fears in their flights neither to heaven nor the hell.