Art galerie in
The largest Metropolis of the World – 30 million inhabitants – 82,000 square kilometers – Concentrated interest in art
Artists shine in the gallery
In the art gallery in Chongqing we show works by many different artists. The gallery is very large and offers plenty of space for various and unique works of art. Talented artists get a presentation area here that is worth seeing.
The largest international exhibition of modern and contemporary art in Chongqing was organized by HongYiJiuZhou International Culture and Art Center and Pashmin Art and hosted at the Hong Art Museum in Chongqing. At this art event, 19 consuls general from all over the world came together, who enormously supported the exchange of artists and cultural promotion with their presence.
After a number of successful art exhibitions, the Ministry of Culture and Tourism in Chongqing has officially appointed Pashmin Art as an ambassador for international cultural trade.
Unique art exhibitions in Chongqing
When you talk about the largest city in the world, you would first think of Tokyo. However, Chongqing, with its more than 30 million inhabitants and 82,000 square kilometers, is the largest city in the world. In the southwest of China, surrounded by the Yangtze and Jialing rivers, lies the mega-metropolis.
The rapid economic development in Chongqing invites international organizations and investors to major projects. But the number of visitors also increases every year and invites tourists to visit the cultural monuments such as the more than 1000-year-old Zu Grottoes, which have been on the UNESCO World Heritage List since 1999.

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Pashmin Art in Bad Tölz
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Pashmin Art in Chongqing
- No. 6 ZongBao Road, Chongqing Xi Yong Comprehensive Bonded Zone, Area B, High Tech Zone, Chongqing, China

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Pashmin Art Gallery on YouTube
Get to know our international galleries and exhibitions on our Pashmin Art Youtube channel. We document our cross-cultural art projects and accompany our artists from the private studio to the big exhibition stage from Hamburg to Shanghai!
more locations
The metropolis on the Elbe is a unique place where art and culture play a prominent role. The headquarters of Pashmin Art is located in the middle of the city of Hamburg.
Bad Tölz
In our art gallery in Bad Tölz you can experience exquisite art in all its diversity. The atmosphere in the gallery spaces is inspirational and powerful.
The artistic power that Beijing radiates also flows through our gallery spaces in the capital of China. Art lovers will find works to collect and marvel at.
Shanghai, as a partner city of Hamburg, forms the fifth gallery location of Pashmin Art. The artistic exchange has ensured a strong network on the art market.
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Die Definition der Kunst. Was gibt es denn Natürlicheres als eine Website über Kunst, Künstler, Kunstwerke und Galerien mit einer generellen Definition des Wortes „Kunst“ zu beginnen.