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Dr. Marc Cremer-Thursby speech, Figuratum durch Abstractum III 09/2022
Parviz Tehrani
“Art has become my home” – this is how the Persian artist, who lives in Germany, describes his creative cosmos. It is the thoughts in the inner chaos that mix with distorted visions of the future from nightmares and seek their way with pigment ink on light-resistant high-tech paper. For Parviz Tehrani, it is quite clear that our current world needs the splendor of colors to be able to muster the strength for peace.
Justyna Wojtas
The works of the Polish artist draw the viewer into an energetic spell through their powerful worlds of color. Justyna Wojtas paints large panoramic pictures that specifically hit the language centre of our soul, sometimes calming and often animating. Justyna Wojtas lives and organizes original exhibitions in Poland and abroad.
Frank Wohlrab
Dot by dot, artist Frank Wohlrab creates his artwork to give the viewer an inner time-out and a meditative moment. The dot painting Frank Wohlrab has learned in the many years he has lived with indigenous people of Australia, and also developed a new awareness to perceive the world, from which his inspiring art form was created.
Werner Nieuwoudt
Belgium, Japan, South Africa….- Our artist and globetrotter Werner Nieuwoudt incorporates the stations of his life into his conceptualisations and uses his works to promote a dialogue of perspectives that focuses on human interaction with art and its perception. To provide a platform for other emerging artists, Werner Nieuwoudt founded a public art initiative called the Secret Art Society.
Vernissage: 10.09.2022 – 18.00 o clock
Exhibition period: 10.09. – 01.10. 2022
Opening speech: Dr. Marc Cremer-Thursby
Group exhibition at Pashmin Art Gallery Hamburg with:
Justyna Wojtas | Werner Nieuwoudt | Parviz Tehrani | Frank Wohlrab