Nature versus culture is used to describe the power of nature versus the power of man/culture. Usually, culture is considered to be more powerful but we should not forget the interaction between the two. Apart from the cultural aspect man’s influence on nature, we should not forget the influence of human body on his thinking. Without human body we cannot understand fully or in part the gender, sexuality, ethnicity, and other identities. Many artists use body to make their creative activities. And when we look at human body carefully, the significance of form cannot be ignored. In art, “form” has two meanings: it might refer to the whole form of work or to the element that make the work.
In this exhibition reviews the relationship between Nature, Body and Form in the works of Heike Pohl and Vasco de Oliveira.
Vernissage: 30. Oktober 2021
Pashmin Art Gallery, Gotenstr. 21, 20097 Hamburg, Germany
Exhibition was from 30.10.2021 – 25.11.2021