On 19. 09. 2019 took place in Pashmin Art Gallery Hamburg the vernissage for the group exhibition BLICKWINKEL – between transience and new beginnings, with the works of Renate Pribert-Zimny, Shahram Shahmiri, Maik Nowodworski and Petra Aichholz. The following is an excerpt from the speech by curator Zahra Hasson-Taheri. Transience cannot be discussed. It is the conclusion of all life, whether it was beautiful or not is irrelevant. Only the point of view, the contemplation and observation of each experienced moment are distinctive. After all, perception and reality are a matter of perspective. What we see and do not see: Our choice. Through the eyes of artists Renate Pribert-Zimny, Shahram Shahmiri, Maik Nowodworski and Petra Aichholz, the visitor sees selected exhibits in painting, collages with light art, installation and sculpture, which convey the transience and diversity of perception in a haunting way.